Sunday, September 26, 2010

the perfect gift...

I don't know, sometimes the oddest things strike me as funny.  Generic Preparation H anyone?  Or maybe you have heartburn?  If all else fails, you can find out if you have a bun in the oven (the sign does say "Any Occasion").

Friday, September 24, 2010

taken inside Target's Family Restroom (by the Pharmacy)

What a bunch of b.s., the Changing Station is in the big restroom!  And i'm pretty sure that there isn't another Family Restroom over there, either.  ETA:  There isn't, the only Family Restroom in Target is by the Pharmacy.

Converse squee


Taken with my new LG Cosmos...i miss my Chocolate so much. ):  No music player and all scratched up from putting it into my pocket (it already looks older than my old phone).  But it does have a keyboard!  Which is really nice for writing notes, which i do all the time.